Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas

Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania
Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas

Waterfront Hobart Tasmania
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Huon River Franklin Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Wrest Point Casino Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania
Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania
“The One and Only” is a Christian musical collaboration between Camilo (music), Adrian (composer), Simon (mix/Master) Jeff (lyrics & Video), Ker(vocals), CINDY (VOCALS),GREG (dRUMS), HERB (COMPOSER), & THE KILL BRANCH STUDIO BAND.
Once each song is completed it will be shared freely with all people involved in the song's production.
The first six songs for this collection (“Bring Me Home”, "House Of Mine", "Better Day", "Pray It", "Precious Gifts", and Jesus My Brother") are now in the production stage. Currently the “rough demos” are completed (click on the audio clips). We are looking for musicians and vocalists who are interested in assisting with this stage. Once they are finished, we will compile their parts into “clean demos” and upload them to this webpage. Our hope is to then begin work on the final music videos for these songs.
You can contact us directly or stay tuned to this webpage for updates.
The One and Only...

Rough Demo 1
Rough Demo 1
Rough Demo 1
Rough Demo 1
Music Demo 1
Rough Demo 1