Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas

Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania
Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas

Waterfront Hobart Tasmania
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Huon River Franklin Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Wrest Point Casino Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania
Tasman Bridge Hobart Tas
Century Photos
Hobart Tasmania

Verse 1
I feel pain.
You bring healing.
So I may walk...with you.
You are Glorious.
Beyond Imagination.
Your love for me, it knows no bounds.
You have your life.
Now I can live, for You...
God's Precious Gift
Verse 2
My world is dark.
You are my light.
Now I can see your face.
Verse 3
My heart so empty.
You send your love.
That I may serve you now.
God's Precious Gift...Jesus.
You took our sins...Jesus.
Now we may live' our lives for You.
All that we are- we give to You
There is nothing we could ever need.
For your blessing- is so very great indeed.
Rough Demo 1